Strategic Planning
SVPA has a depth of experience working in a wide variety of market segments. We are up to date on workplace strategy and the leading trends in planning and design. We enjoy collaborating very early in the process of defining “what comes next?” for our clients. The strategic planning process includes a discovery phase in which we work closely with key stakeholders to develop goals and guiding principles. We then move through an assessment process of our client’s short and long-term goals and facilitate a visioning and programming charrette to define you building and infrastructure needs.
After review and complete team buy-in regarding the goals and design drivers, we will assist with market research and financial analysis on a variety of options for you. We outline overall cost projections, timelines and sequencing of occupancy to build consensus on the ideal solution for you. With a thoughtful strategic plan in place your organization can move forward in confidence.
Master Planning
SVPA has been instrumental in the planning process to align our client’s vision and goals with a clearly defined path to meet their long-range objectives. We have assisted in providing a framework for significant public and private investment in communities throughout the region and approach the development of master plans based on the specific vision, culture and strategic goals of the client. An example of our planning process typically includes:
- Establish a core leadership/facilities committee to report and make recommendations. This committee is a vital part of providing continuity through the master planning process and future facility improvements
- Establish schedule goals, determine any key project milestone dates that are important to the client, evaluate funding scenarios, timelines, optimal implementation timeframes, and set goals for completion of the assessment and long-range plan
- On-site meetings with building users and stakeholders to discuss needs, wants and goals
- Formulate a community engagement plan, establish meeting formats (input-informational-charrettes) and outline the number, size and location of community meetings
- Discuss multi-media communication format (websites, survey platform, Facebook)
- Evaluate site plans and building floor plans to identify potential opportunities for new buildings, additions and renovations
- Evaluate options for core building systems (mechanical, electrical, plumbing, technology & security) to meet optimum/modern standards
- Review and coordinate current facility improvement projects with the long-range plan
- Establish an easy to understand list of facility improvements and expansion priorities
- Provide recommendations on potential sequencing and phasing of proposed projects
- Assist in establishing preliminary budgets for the selected facility improvement phases
- Prepare a colored site master plan graphic that identifies recommended locations, descriptions and potential phases for the improvements
- Prepare a (1-5) Year and (5-10) Year Master Plan summary report
- Present the long-range plan to leadership and receive input, questions and comments
Site Scenario Analysis
SVPA provides site scenario analysis to assist building owners in making flexible long-term plans for their organizations. Options may include a new building, an addition or a renovation of the existing facility. SVPA will lead you through a process that evaluates the pros and cons of different scenarios and will make recommendations to you based on the long-term goals you have for your organization.